Oct 11, 2014

On Pride, Excellence, and Enduring Hardships: Endure. Fight Back. Never Yield. (Quote-ivation)

Whenever I'm in a tight spot, I've noticed that my quote-ivations seem to involve fighting something (see here and here). What am I fighting against? A lot of things. Pressure.
Fear. Despair. Panic. Expectations - mine and others'. I think it has something to do with having something to fight, a more or less concrete thing I can name. When I'm tired but I need to do a school requirement, I fight against tiredness. When I want to procrastinate, I fight against laziness. When I have a ton of things to do and I feel like I won't make the deadlines, I fight against the pressure of other people's expectations of me and my own expectations of myself (e.g. I ask myself if I have to be completely perfect or if I only have to do good work). It helps to have something to fight against.

This fighting leads to the matter of Pride. If you're fighting something, you would want to win. Not because other people expect you to but because you expect it of yourself. Pride is important. Pride in yourself, in what you're doing, in what you have (not just materially). This pride helps you become excellent, it helps you be the best version of yourself.

So the next time you're undergoing a hardship, identify and name your opponent. Then fight to win. Endure the trials, fight back, and never yield to fear or panic or defeat.

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