Oct 7, 2014

Quote-ivation: Push!

I'm still not over how stressful last week was. I had a lot of quote-ivations running through my head just to get me through each day (see them here and here). Today's quote-ivation would probably still be running through my head for the coming week (it's running through my head now in light of everything I have to do). Push!

Remember my last post when I said that to finish a task, you have to start then keep going? Well, I know it's not always that easy. There are times when you really wanna quit. So when those quitting thoughts come, push them back. Push. Then push yourself to keep going. Soon you'll be surprised that the task you want to put off is done and it took much shorter than you anticipated. So push!

P.S. With all this talk of pushing yourself and working until your task is finished, you might think you have to keep going until you break, mentally and physically. No. Listen to your body, pace yourself, and only push if you're feeling lazy, not sick. Your health is more important than some college paper.

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