Oct 10, 2014

On College, Independence, and Self-pride: Excellence is the Norm (Quote-ivation)

People would tell you that college is very different from high school. It is. It's not just the people, the class schedules, or the lack of parental supervision. It's the standard.
Of learning, of acting, of doing. Excellence is the norm. People don't accept excuses anymore. Even if you're really having a major upheaval in your life (e.g. depression, death in the family, etc.), people will have that subconscious expectation that you're going to pull yourself through. They'll be sympathetic, of course, helpful, even. But only to a point. When your grades are going downhill or your attendance is shot, your professors won't be lenient; they'll expect you to drop the course.
And that's great. It might seem harsh but it strengthens you. College is like Real Life - you're on your own. And when you learn to actually be on your own (no calls to mom, no crying to your friends), you'll find a strength inside of you you've never seen before and you'll be awed by yourself. You'll believe in yourself more, you'll be more proud of yourself. That's why I think it's important to experience these hardships, this harshness. They make you.

Of course, even if you're independent, you're not alone. You have your family, your friends, and you have people around you who are going through the exact same thing. It's okay to ask for help when you really need it. Just don't expect and demand that it be given to you. After all, there's only so much others can do; everything relies on you.

What's your college like?

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