Oct 2, 2014

Totems and Guidance

There are times in one's life when one just needs to borrow traits from others, when one's character needs traits not inherent to it. - Donna (slothscribe)

I think that's why there are totems. They are representations of spirit guides, animal guides, who embody certain characteristics that could be of help to people who need them.

Do a quick search on the net and you'll find that your spirit animal usually appears to you through your childhood favorites, your dreams, and even just chance encounters day to day. Personally, I've always loved dolphins, not because I had any idea of what they represented but because I just loved them (and the sea). Then it became the wolf. So majestic. Independent. Powerful. Then I lost touch with the idea of them until college, when the chaos of everything that was happening just needed a guiding principle.

I bought these sterling silver pendants on Etsy from ShymaliLlamas some months ago. While I no longer wear them today (because I wear other jewelry), having them in my possession still comforts me. And the fashion statement of these pendants can't be ignored.

From WildSpeak.com:
"Bat keywords: Spirituality. Psychic gifts and abilities. Clairvoyance and clairaudience. A connection to all worlds. Dreamwork. Finding others of like-mind. Cave magic. Working with liminal worlds and times such as mist, twilight and other thresholds.

"Cat keywords: Looking after yourself. Relax. Meditate. The hunting instinct. Getting what you want. Accomplishment. Self-love, worth and protection. Standing up for yourself. Taking time out. Gentle exercise. All forms of therapy. Independence. Intuition. Personal power. Magic."

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