Oct 3, 2014

Crystals and Focus

I mentioned before how I always wear my Onyx ring. It symbolizes calmness, strength, and steadfastness, and it helps me have something to focus on when I need it.

I have other crystals I use for focus, meditation, or just something to hold on to when I need it:

From upper left clockwise: Citrine; Blue Lace Agate; Clear Quartz; Amethyst; Black Onyx

Citrine. A yellow stone, this is like the sun. Aside from being a stone of wealth, it's a "happy" stone, warm and uplifting like the rays of the sun. It does not require cleansing and could be used to uplift one's mood.

Blue Lace Agate. A stone of truth and communication. This stone can promote effective speaking or connecting with other people. Because of its blue color, I also use it for calming down.

Clear Quartz. If you have to have a crystal, this is it. Clear quartz amplifies other stones. It's easily programmable and it helps with nearly everything. It's an all-around stone. Because of the clearness of my stone piece, I use this when I need to be on a "neutral state" - calm but not placid, alert but not excited. 

Amethyst. The default healing stone, Amethyst also helps with being calm. Put it under your pillows for a healthy sleep or put it in your pocket for less anxiety during the day. Aside from the blue of my Agate, my milky purple Amethyst is perfect for visual color relaxation.

Black Onyx. How can I not have another piece of my stone? Aside from my Onyx ring, I have a small ball of Black Onyx that I turn to when I need a handhold for meditation. I use Black Onyx when I need my mind to be alert, focused, and driven. Coupled with my Clear Quartz, it represents balance for me because of their colors and symbolism.

There are those who scoff at crystal theory. By all means, do so. There are those who consider the use of crystals as Pagan, anti-Catholic, or, at the least, Hippie or New Age-y. Believe what you will. It is not a matter of what it is but of what it does for you. At the most scientific level, they're rocks. But when those rocks serve a purpose, when they truly affect you in a way desirable to you (i.e. they function as focus points for concentration much like the use of "uhm" and "ah" as fillers in sentences serve to ground and comfort you), whether or not they actually emit frequencies helpful to humans is irrelevant. For those who believe in the power of crystals, good for you. For those who don't, respect is key - respect for your choice and respect for others'.

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