Oct 5, 2014

Quote-ivation and Weekly Wrap-up: I Will Live Through This

The past week was hectic, to say the least. It went by so fast because everyday had some task I had to finish on a deadline.
There were some close calls (especially since I was feeling sick the week before) but I survived. Thank God.

During the panic and stress of the past week, there was a point when I thought I really couldn't make the deadline. I was distraught. But then I changed my outlook (because, really, what else can you do to not be a mess of nerves?). I asked myself, so what? If I don't make the deadline for a school requirement, what would happen? Sure, my grades would be affected, they might not be as high as they could be, but I could always make up for it next time. It would be hard but it's not the end of the world.

It made me feel better. There are times when everything seems like a mess, when things feel so out of your control and you feel sick with dread at what the future would bring. But I think it's always important to remember that you will live through whatever trial you're undergoing. There would be changes, they would be painful, but as long as you know you've done your best, there's a point where you know you have to accept and let go of what could have been. And it is with this acceptance that you find peace, and with this peace, clearness of mind. You'll be able to think clearly, make decisions easily, and you can yourself through.

So don't dread the outcome; it hasn't come yet. You know how the saying goes: Keep Calm...and say, "I will live through this."

How was your week?

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