Oct 6, 2014

Quote-ivation: Keep Going. Just Keep Going.

Another thing that kept me sane last week was the saying below. People say it's hardest to start but I think it's just as hard to continue.
When everything inside you is just shouting for you to stop what you're doing and rest, not because you need rest but because you don't want to do what you're doing, it's helpful to remember to breathe, empty your mind, and just keep going.

Keep going until it's done, keep going until you're finished, keep going even if your mind's rebelling and shouting at you to stop because it's lazy. Circumstances might not be ideal, but at least you're getting something done. And, if time permits, you can go back to your "first draft" and make corrections. It's easier, it provides a safety net of sorts, but you can't correct something that's not there. So start and just keep going.

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