Sep 25, 2014

Muscle Pains, Keeping Fit, and Yakult

Good God, my leg hurts. I was in PE class yesterday and we had these steps (it's a dance class) where you squat really low on the ground (the dance was tango, FYI) and support your entire weight on one leg. It seemed fine until the next day (today); my leg HURTS. The muscles are sore and I have a hard time going up stairs or flexing my leg to take my weight. 

This made me realize how out of shape I am. Before, I could go through one hour sessions of intense workouts and have minimal muscle pain the next day. Now, I can't even perform a simple dance step without being in pain the next morning. 

It's quite hard to be fit in college with all the stress and exams and lack of funds. But I think it could be done. A very simple way to do so (especially in UPD) is to walk instead of ride. The campus is large and, if time permits between classes or early morning or after classes, go a turn round the Acad oval. It's a relatively easy way to get your body moving. 

You can also stretch from time to time, especially if you sit all day. Just some simple reaching out of legs and arms could do wonders. A jumping jack is also advisable for some easy, simple heart-pumping action. 

It's also very important to eat well. Today I drank Yakult. It's not much but it's something. I'm gunning for one of those cleansing teas in the near future but right now, the tried and tested Yakult will do. 

However you want to do it, keeping fit is important. Now excuse me as I nurse my sore leg. 

This is not a sponsored post. 

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