Jan 16, 2015

Neem Oil

If you’ve ever had scabies, you know it’s hell. You can’t sleep, you can’t show your skin, and you can’t touch people since it’s contagious. There are topical medications recommended by dermatologists, but if you want the organic route, try Neem Oil. It’s known as an all-around treatment for skin issues. Word of warning, though: it stinks like hell. As in make-you-nauseous stinks.

A way to use it is to mix a couple of drops with your normal (preferably scented) lotion (maybe 3-5 drops with a teaspoon of lotion), apply it on the skin, and leave overnight (more detailed process can be found online). If you can stomach the smell, it can drastically (at least for me) calm the rashes and itchiness. Repeat for about three nights and you’re good to go.
Of course, please consult a dermatologist before undergoing any self-medication. A doctor knows best and would tell you additional measures to cure your scabies and dermatitis.

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