Oct 14, 2014

#Quoteivation: How to Get Over Frustration

It's the start of my week again and I'm getting by (more than getting by, actually). The past weekend wasn't as hectic as the one that came before it but

Oct 12, 2014

On the Color Pink and Being Different: Be You (Quote-ivation)

I know it has been said a lot. Be yourself, be who you really are, etc. But it's true. In life, there would be times when being you might not be the best idea, but

Oct 11, 2014

Oct 10, 2014

On College, Independence, and Self-pride: Excellence is the Norm (Quote-ivation)

People would tell you that college is very different from high school. It is. It's not just the people, the class schedules, or the lack of parental supervision. It's the standard.

Oct 9, 2014

Quote-ivation: Discipline is Key

I'm on a procrastination-fight roll. If you've noticed, my past posts have been about finishing a task, keeping yourself motivated, and inspiring inspiration. Behind all these is discipline.

Oct 8, 2014

Choice Metal: Sterling Silver

I'm very partial to silver. I wear sterling silver comfort jewelry (a necklace and a ring), a sterling silver watch, and sterling silver earrings. Yep. 

One reason I prefer silver is it doesn't tarnish. And it's easier to acquire than stainless steel (my go-to shop for SS is Unisilver). Another reason is that I have a fear of being held up by thieves during my commute. It's much less conspicuous if I wear non-gold-looking jewelry. That's my belief, anyway. And since I almost always wear black, the contrast between the black and the silver is really great. Though, according to my skin color, gold looks better on me, but I honestly think either way is fine.

Sterling Silver watch from Unisilver

On Inspiration: Force It (Quote-ivation)

There are times when you have to take it easy and pace yourself, and there are times when you have to force yourself to work because you're not sick, you're just lazy.

Oct 7, 2014

#Quoteivation: Criticism and Compliments

Today was a very good day for me - I'm on cloud 9. 

It didn't start off well at first; I only had three hours of sleep and that always makes me feel sick and cranky. But I pushed on. And it was fantastic.

Quote-ivation: Push!

I'm still not over how stressful last week was. I had a lot of quote-ivations running through my head just to get me through each day (see them here and here). Today's quote-ivation would probably still be running through my head for the coming week (it's running through my head now in light of everything I have to do). Push!

Oct 6, 2014

Quote-ivation: Keep Going. Just Keep Going.

Another thing that kept me sane last week was the saying below. People say it's hardest to start but I think it's just as hard to continue.

Oct 5, 2014

Oct 4, 2014

I'm Loving: Striking Truths

I believe words have power. They can hurt or heal. They can give energy where there was once none. They can give hope.

That's why I have my Quote-ivations up on this blog. They're not just for me, they're for others as well. I hope they've inspired others even for just a moment in time.

That's why when I find sites devoted to the power of words, I'm instantly hooked. Striking Truths aims to inspire, to deliver striking truths to people everyday. I suggest you check it out if you need some words of wisdom.

Oct 3, 2014

Crystals and Focus

I mentioned before how I always wear my Onyx ring. It symbolizes calmness, strength, and steadfastness, and it helps me have something to focus on when I need it.

I have other crystals I use for focus, meditation, or just something to hold on to when I need it:

From upper left clockwise: Citrine; Blue Lace Agate; Clear Quartz; Amethyst; Black Onyx

Citrine. A yellow stone, this is like the sun. Aside from being a stone of wealth, it's a "happy" stone, warm and uplifting like the rays of the sun. It does not require cleansing and could be used to uplift one's mood.

Oct 2, 2014

Totems and Guidance

There are times in one's life when one just needs to borrow traits from others, when one's character needs traits not inherent to it. - Donna (slothscribe)

I think that's why there are totems. They are representations of spirit guides, animal guides, who embody certain characteristics that could be of help to people who need them.

Do a quick search on the net and you'll find that your spirit animal usually appears to you through your childhood favorites, your dreams, and even just chance encounters day to day. Personally, I've always loved dolphins, not because I had any idea of what they represented but because I just loved them (and the sea). Then it became the wolf. So majestic. Independent. Powerful. Then I lost touch with the idea of them until college, when the chaos of everything that was happening just needed a guiding principle.

I bought these sterling silver pendants on Etsy from ShymaliLlamas some months ago. While I no longer wear them today (because I wear other jewelry), having them in my possession still comforts me. And the fashion statement of these pendants can't be ignored.

Oct 1, 2014

Comfort Jewelry

You know those jewelry pieces that you just have to wear otherwise you feel like there's something missing, like you're not prepared to face the day? That's how I feel when I don't have these with me. I wear these everyday. These are my comfort jewelry:

Saint Benedict Stainless Steel Necklace. Well, the pendant is stainless steel and the chain is sterling silver. Both are fantastic as they don't tarnish even in water. That's why I NEVER take this off, not even in the shower. When I'm not wearing this, I feel vulnerable, like there's an important thing I forgot to bring.

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