Jan 14, 2015

Gluta-C Intense Whitening Underarm and Bikini Skin Whitening Gel

I have an issue with discoloration on my face after a bout of acne. The dark spots left by pimples are troublesome. True, they go away on their own and, thankfully, don’t leave scars, but it’s better if they disappear quicker.

Enter the Gluta-C Whitening Gel. It says it could be used for the underarm and bikini area plus other sensitive places, but I mainly use this for my face. It’s a clear gel with a strong citrus scent and I just dab it onto the discoloration. It definitely speeds up the lightening of the dark spots (don’t expect quick drastic results, though; it speeds up the lightening but does not do it overnight). From maybe three months of being dark to medium-dark, the spots lighten to easily-coverable-with-a-light/medium-coverage-concealer shade within a month of religious usage.
This is my HG dark spot treatment. Unfortunately, I don’t see this gel on the market anymore (it used to be available in Watsons). Gluta-C has a whitening cream, though, so you might want to try that. And of course, there’s the cult product Kiehl’s Clearly Corrective Dark Spot Solution, but with a price tag of 3000+ PHP, this student with a limited budget is open to alternatives.

What are your top dark spot treatment products?

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