Oct 15, 2014

Style Icon: Nine d'Urso de la Fressange

all photos from RDuJour.com

I had the impulse to search "parisian chic" in Pinterest and this is
what came up. I love it!

At first I thought this was Ines de la Fressange since the shots come from Ines' book. Turns out this is her daughter, Nine. Gorgeous!

If I have to name my style inspiration, I'd name her. Her look is just so effortlessly yet classy. It's presentable and groomed but there's an oomph. It's also quite easy to replicate with some budget selections as long as you're careful.

I'm no fashionista but I think the key elements here are fit and function. Make sure the clothes fit you comfortably and flatters your body, and, to keep the look simple and casual, make sure each piece serves a function (e.g. notice how minimum the accessories are; your choice would most likely depend on favorite or meaningful pieces instead of wearing for the sake of wearing).

These images appear in Ines de la Fressange's book, Parisian Chic, a guide to her (and her daughter's) style. You might wanna check it out for more tips on dressing.

Who is your style inspiration?

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