Aug 17, 2014

Weekly Wrap-up: August 11-17, 2014

So the second week of school is done. Has it only been the second week? I feel like the semester’s already in full gear.
This week, I wasn’t as focused as I wanted to be. I had a plan that I’d devot 100% on my schoolwork from Tuesday to Friday (my school days), with homework days on Saturdays and Mondays. I’d only take a break and have “me” time on Sundays. Harsh schedule, I know, but necessary with all the course load and my OC-ness. I might give myself some slack later, we’ll see.
But I found myself thinking of recreation (read: Anime) in the middle of the week. So much for compartmentalizing.
As I’ve said, the semester’s already in full gear so my reaching schedule (10 whole books!!) is tight. I definitely need those Sundays to avoid burn-out.
How about you, how was your week?
P.S. As I’m writing this, the second day of the UPCAT is underway. Good luck to all the takers!
P.P.S. I saw this in a jeepney. LOL’d so hard.
Barya lang po sa umaga, Senpai

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